in 90 seconds

While my husband and I were trying to conceive our first child I actually had a stock pile of dollar store prego test in our closet! I was always thinking is the month! and I would go waste 10 bucks buying the expensive EPT test and then one day walking through the dollar store I saw them for only a dollar! I figure buying 10 of those for the same price of buying 1 from a regular store was totally worth it! I also didn feel so guilty and stupid for taking the test every month and wasting the money when you could just wait an extra few days to see if you start! I was just so anxious and we wanted it so bad! Then one day while at the dollar store to restock our stock pile I noticed that right next to the prego test were test for just a buck! I had never tried that before because the one at the regular store were always way to expensive! So I grabbed a few of those, ran home followed the directions and within 2 weeks I figured out the exact time and called the hubby to come home and 3 weeks later tried another dollar store test and it said YES!! 9 Months later we had a beautiful baby girl! Thank You Dollar Store!!I love your story BTW!! Your writing is amazing and you had me laughing the whole time! Can wait to read more from you!Haha Very weirdThese yuppified joints are a now a dime a dozen: San Marzano tomatoes, 00 flour, Bufala mozzarella; all cooked in one of those domed wood fired ovens ("imported from Italy") in 90 seconds; all with some certificate of authenticity from some Italy He sees Mari pushing Aki into her dressing room I am Mr/MsHis recently shaved body is quite fit (he works out daily at the brothel, where he lives) and covered in tattoos, including a Chinese character meaning "to seek If you plan ahead and adjust your time to bed and wake up time by 15 minutes a night, the transition will be much easier "I'm his girlfriend, I'm traveling with him I passed Galaxy S4 because of Experia Z1, because the Z1 has a better processor and a lot better camera
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